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Thursday, 4 December 2014

FX The Strain- Exclusive GIFs and Still from Season 1

   While I am marathoning The Strain I wanted to give my viewers a look at some exclusive stills and GIF’s. Hopefully this will be enough until the bigger surprise on Friday 12 am ET. It is something that I have not done before and it will be exciting for fans of The Strain; be it TV series, graphic novel or both.   

   The GIF's are especially teasing for someone wanting more. Check out both and for more on The Strain. Also if you have not purchased The Strain on DVD and Blu-ray do so ASAP.

   Don’t let the demons bite or do, YOU FREAKS!!!


  1. Damn, looks like this could be good. Looks like it'll do for worms crawling through your eye what Psycho did for showers. Welcome to the HBA.

  2. It is really good and season is about to come out next I believe so get ready to marathon. Also thanks for the welcome.
